Food and Environmental Hygiene Portfolio

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28/8/2024 環境局就政府防治鼠患工作與業界會面(附圖)環境局就政府防治鼠患工作與業界會面(附圖)
28/8/2024 【防治鼠患及蚊患工作 政府與業界會面】
17/8/2024 【跨部門協作 防止登革熱病毒擴散】
5/7/2024 【加強跨部門協作 防止本地感染登革熱個案擴散】
5/7/2024 Special meeting of Pest Control Steering Committee convened to enhance inter-departmental collaboration in preventing spread of local dengue fever cases (with photo)Special meeting of Pest Control Steering Committee convened to enhance inter-departmental collaboration in preventing spread of local dengue fever cases (with photo)
4/7/2024 【齊來滅蚊 防止登革熱】
3/6/2024 Pest Control Steering Committee reviews progress of anti-mosquito and anti-rodent work implemented by departments (with photo)Pest Control Steering Committee reviews progress of anti-mosquito and anti-rodent work implemented by departments (with photo)
5/3/2024 EEB meets trade representatives on Government's anti-rodent work (with photo)
2/2/2024 Pest Control Steering Committee reviews anti-rodent work conducted by departments (with photos)
18/11/2023 【防治木蝨⚠️】
18/11/2023 【外防蝨患輸入 防治蚊患部署】
17/11/2023 防治蟲鼠督導委員會檢視各部門預防蝨患輸入工作防治蟲鼠督導委員會檢視各部門預防蝨患輸入工作(附圖)
11/11/2023 Government holds meeting with sectors on preventing import of bedbug infestationGovernment holds meeting with sectors on preventing import of bedbug infestation (with photos)
8/11/2023 Government steps up publicity and education work on bedbugGovernment steps up publicity and education work on bedbug (with photos)
31/7/2023 【防治鼠患及蚊患 | 工作進展】
31/7/2023 Government examines progress of anti-rodent and anti-mosquito work implemented by departmentsGovernment examines progress of anti-rodent and anti-mosquito work implemented by departments (with photo/video)
29/6/2023 【防治鼠患 多管齊下】
29/6/2023 EEB meets trade representatives on anti-rodent work of current-term GovernmentEEB meets trade representatives on anti-rodent work of current-term Government (with photos)
29/6/2023 「各界攜手,全港滅鼠行動」持份者座談會簡報
25/3/2023 【大成街街市加強滅鼠工作】
16/3/2023 【與內地專家交流防治鼠患經驗】
16/3/2023 FEHD and Mainland experts share experiences of rodent prevention and control (with photos) FEHD and Mainland experts share experiences of rodent prevention and control (with photos)
18/2/2023 【食環署支援衞生防護中心控制大鼠戊型肝炎病毒散播】
15/2/2023 【興華(一)邨及興華廣場的防治鼠患工作】
13/2/2023 【九龍城防治鼠患工作】
12/2/2023 【防治鼠患及清理發泡膠箱等工作】
6/2/2023 香港蟲害控制從業員協會 - 黏鼠膠的使用
5/2/2023 港九新界販商社團聯合會 - 恰當運用老鼠膠以應對鼠患
5/2/2023 【保障市民健康 恰當使用老鼠膠】
13/1/2023 Review of anti-rodent work in 2022
10/1/2023 【跨部門攜手解決荃灣永德街斜坡的鼠患問題】
8/1/2023 【發泡膠箱首日通關 各持份者整裝待發!】
8/1/2023 港九新界販商社團聯合會 - 發泡膠箱儲起應用
8/1/2023 港九新界販商社團聯合會 - 處理作重用的發泡膠箱
6/1/2023 【1月8日發泡膠箱通關喇!】
6/1/2023 漁護快訊【發泡膠箱可以重用喇】
6/1/2023 大嘥鬼Big Waster -【1月8號有大事發生!!】
4/1/2023 【防治鼠患 落區視察】
4/1/2023 【打擊鼠患】夜間天眼科技 收集滅鼠情報
29/12/2022 【各界攜手 全港滅鼠行動 專題網頁】

28/12/2022 【各界攜手 全港滅鼠行動】正式啟動
28/12/2022 Transcript of remarks by SEE at media session
28/12/2022 Cross-sectoral Territory-wide Anti-rodent ActionGovernment launches "Cross-sectoral Territory-wide Anti-rodent Action" (with photos)
23/12/2022 Pest Control Steering Committee mobilising the strengths of departments to launch the Cross-sectoral Territory-wide Anti-rodent Action (with photo)Pest Control Steering Committee mobilising the strengths of departments to launch the "Cross-sectoral Territory-wide Anti-rodent Action" (with photo)
21/12/2022 【各界攜手 全港滅鼠行動】前奏
28 August 2024